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Municipal - SB 2 Technical Assistance

RSA 40:13, Senate Bill 2, also known as SB2, (Official Ballot Referenda) is a form of town meeting that has two sessions. The first session (deliberative session) is for explanation, discussion, debate and amendments to the proposed operating budget and warrant articles. The second session (voting session) allows voters to cast an official ballot to pass/fail proposed articles.

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SB2 Technical Assistance Package

List of SB2 Towns, Local and Regional Schools


Data and information contained within spreadsheets and other document types posted to the internet by the Department of Revenue Administration (“Department”) is intended for informational purposes only. Although the Department makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of data and information posted to its website, the Department cannot guarantee that the data and information provided herein is error free. Events subsequent to posting may impact the accuracy of data and information. To ensure you are referring to the most accurate data and information, the Department recommends viewing spreadsheets and other documents directly from the Department’s website because the Department cannot control or verify the accuracy of data and information once a spreadsheet or other document has been downloaded.

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Microsoft Excel Symbol Microsoft Excel format. You can download a free Excel reader from Microsoft.

Microsoft Word Symbol Microsoft Word format. You can download a free Word reader from Microsoft.

New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration
Governor Hugh Gallen State Office Park
109 Pleasant Street (Medical & Surgical Building), Concord NH
(603) 230-5000  |  
TDD Access Relay NH: 1-800-735-2964  |  
fax: (603) 230-5945
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