For Immediate Release
Posted: August 03, 2022


Department of Revenue Administration
(603) 230-5005

Federation of Tax Administrators honored NHDRA for its Meals & Rooms Tax Monitor Forward Audit Program

NH Department of Revenue Administration Recognized with National Award for Innovative Auditing Program

Concord, NH – The New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration (NHDRA) recently received a 2022 Federation of Tax Administrators (FTA) Award for its strategic and innovative Meals & Rooms Tax Monitor Forward Audit Program. To both increase compliance with the state’s Meals & Rooms Tax obligation and to ease the burden on New Hampshire’s restaurants, the Monitor Forward Audit Program allows auditors to initially review a single tax period, rather than an entire year, providing an immediate and accurate picture of sales, without requiring businesses to provide a full year of data. NHDRA was one of seven states honored in the FTA’s 2022 Awards, which create an opportunity for state tax administrators to share the best ideas and practices nationwide.

The FTA is a nonprofit association composed of the taxation and revenue agencies in the 50 states, District of Columbia, New York City and Philadelphia that works to improve the standards and methods of tax administration. NHDRA presented its Meals & Rooms Tax Monitor Forward Audit Program during the annual FTA conference this past June.

“We are honored to receive this national award recognizing our Meals & Rooms Tax Monitor Forward Audit Program, which has been an extremely effective and innovative tool, providing a real-time sales picture and enhancing our team’s overall efficiency,” said NHDRA Commissioner Lindsey Stepp. “We knew the restaurant industry in New Hampshire and beyond was hit extremely hard during the COVID-19 pandemic and as the economy reopened, we knew we needed to adjust our approach to allow us to meet their lives.”

Media Contact

Jeff Mucciarone

(413) 454-4179 |