For Immediate Release
Posted: July 14, 2022


Department of Revenue Administration
(603) 230-5005

NH Department of Revenue Administration Announces Bonnie Walshaw as Director of the Collection Division

Walshaw was confirmed by the Executive Council July 12

Concord, NH – Franklin resident Bonnie Walshaw was recently confirmed as the new Director of the Collection Division of the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration (NHDRA). Walshaw, who is a 33-year veteran of NHDRA, was confirmed by the Executive Council on Tuesday, July 12, and she officially begins her tenure Friday, July 15. Walshaw replaces Ora LeMere, who was recently promoted to Assistant Commissioner of NHDRA. In the Director of the Collection Division role, Walshaw is responsible for overseeing the collection of all outstanding taxes, while educating operators about their responsibilities regarding the Meals and Rentals Tax.

“In addition to her distinguished tenure, Bonnie is a proven leader with the right temperament, experience, work ethic and judgement to lead the NHDRA Collection Division and we are fortunate to have her step into this critical role,” said Lindsey Stepp, Commissioner, NHDRA. “With her deep understanding of New Hampshire tax laws, coupled with her skills as a communicator and educator, I am confident Bonnie will thrive in this leadership position and that she will continue to be a major asset for NHDRA and the taxpayers of New Hampshire.”

In her previous role as Field Audit Team Leader in NHDRA’s Multistate Audit Bureau, Walshaw conducted complex audits of multinational business, while negotiating audit settlements with some of NHDRA’s largest taxpayers. Walshaw, who has served as Field Audit Team Leader since 2005, also conducted peer reviews, training and supervised junior auditors during her tenure.
“I am very excited to take over this important position as Director of the Collection Division and to continue working on behalf of the taxpayers of New Hampshire,” Walshaw said. “I have developed a deep passion and knowledge of our state’s tax laws and I am looking forward to leveraging my experience and my skills as an educator to work with and support taxpayers throughout the state and the entire team here in the Collection Division.”

Walshaw began her tenure at NHDRA as an Auditor in 1989. Prior to joining NHDRA, she worked at Laconia Peoples Bank. Walshaw received her Bachelor of Science degree in accounting from Hesser College.

Caption: Franklin resident Bonnie Walshaw was recently confirmed as the new Director of the Collection Division of the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration (NHDRA). Walshaw, who is a 33-year veteran of NHDRA, was confirmed by the Executive Council on Tuesday, July 12, and she officially begins her tenure Friday, July 15.

About the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration

The New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration (NHDRA) is responsible for fairly and efficiently administering the tax laws of the State of New Hampshire. NHDRA collects approximately 80% of New Hampshire’s general taxes. During Fiscal Year 2021, NHDRA collected $2.4 billion in taxes, most of which went to the New Hampshire General Fund and Education Trust Fund. NHDRA also assists municipalities in budgeting, finance and real estate appraisal.

NHDRA administers and collects the following taxes at the state level: Business Enterprise Tax, Business Profits Tax, Communications Services Tax, Interest and Dividends Tax, Meals and Rooms Tax, Medicaid Enhancement Tax, Nursing Facility Quality Assessment, Tobacco Tax, Taxation of Railroads, Utility Property Tax, Real Estate Transfer Tax; and the following taxes at the local level: Property Tax, Excavation Tax, Timber Tax. To learn more about NHDRA, please visit

Media Contact:

Jeff Mucciarone

(603) 644-3200 |