For Immediate Release
Posted: June 25, 2019


Department of Revenue Administration
(603) 230-5000

NH Department of Revenue Administration Gears Up for Busiest Tax Collection Season for M&R Operators

NHDRA dedicating resources to increased efficiency and more frequent communication with most active taxpayer group

Concord, NH – The New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration (NHDRA) is transforming the way taxpayers interact with the Department, particularly with its most active taxpayer group, Meals & Rentals Tax (M&R) Operators. There are currently more than 9,300 M&R operators in New Hampshire, with an average of more than 1,000 new operators registering every year. As the taxpayer group with the highest volume of interactions with NHDRA, the Department has been positioning itself for a new era of communication with M&R operators through the creation of new communication avenues, in-person trainings and additional resources. NHDRA is highlighting these efforts ahead of summer, one of the busiest times of the year for M&R operators.

“The Meals and Rentals tax generated more than $331.6 million in revenue in Fiscal Year 2018, which is the third highest tax revenue generated out of the 15 taxes collected by NHDRA at the state and local level,” said NHDRA Commissioner Lindsey Stepp. “M&R operators are unique to any other tax group, as they remit tax payment on a monthly basis, and new operators are being licensed every day, so we are making a concerted effort to ensure this group is provided the resources needed to remain compliant with the ability to further succeed and grow – which starts with an open line of communication.”

Of the more than 9,300 M&R operators in the state right now, NHDRA estimates that more than 34-percent are seasonal, meaning amusement parks, campgrounds, golf courses, mobile vendors and more, making summer a particularly important season for this taxpayer group. Between June through September, NHDRA is sending compliance officers into the field to cover more than 70 fairs and festivals throughout the state. NHDRA’s presence at these events, through in-person visits or pre-event prep with event coordinators, provides an on-site resource for the thousands of M&R operators who attend and
work at these events. NHDRA compliance officers wear branded gear for easy identification if operators have questions about their standing, deadlines, and more.

In addition to having an in-person presence throughout the summer, NHDRA is increasing efficiency for M&R operators through the following initiatives:

  • Opportunities for feedback – NHDRA created a flier soliciting feedback from M&R operators on how NHDRA can make improvements when it comes to communicating with M&R operators. A specific email address was created for the exclusive purpose of operators having access to a direct group of NHDRA staff dedicated to tracking their suggestions and responding as needed.
  • Working with chambers of commerce – For the first time, NHDRA visited chambers of commerce throughout the state this past tax season to offer in-person insight into tax year form changes, recent relevant legislative changes, common filing errors and an overview of various taxes business owners pay, including the M&R tax.
  • Taxpayer portal – As announced last year, NHDRA is gearing up for the launch of its new Revenue Information Management System (RIMS), which includes a user portal for taxpayers. The portal will allow customers to complete tasks online, such as file taxes, schedule automated online payments, request and review documentation, check on the status of payment, claim or request, and more. RIMS will be rolled out in phases by tax type and NHDRA selected M&R Tax as one of the three taxpayer groups to access the portal in the first rollout. NHDRA has begun communicating information about the new system to M&R operators and plans to ramp up efforts this summer through dedicated mailings, electronic communications, and trainings, which are more to ensure operators are comfortable with the new system when the time comes later this year.
  • Dedicated online resources – NHDRA has a webpage dedicated exclusively to M&R operators. This resource has been available for a number of years, and includes tax filing links, forms and instructions, FAQ and more. Additionally, there is an option to sign up for M&R-specific emails that include information about upcoming trainings, relevant legislative changes and NHDRA announcements.

“M&R operators interact with us at least once a month during their mid-month filing, which is more than most taxpayers by a long shot, so we want to make sure we are doing everything we can to make sure their experiences with us are positive ones,” said Ora LeMere, Director of the Collections Division of NHDRA. “It is our hope that M&R operators consider us more than just tax collectors, but a resource in helping them succeed and grow their businesses.”

The M&R tax is a nine-percent tax assessed upon patrons of hotels and restaurants, on rooms and meals costing $.36 or more. The tax is paid by the consumer and collected by operators of hotels, restaurants, food service, room rental and motor vehicle rentals. Operators then pay the state on the 15th day of the month following the taxable period.

About the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration

The New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration (NHDRA) is responsible for fairly and efficiently administering the tax laws of the State of New Hampshire. NHDRA collects approximately 80% of New Hampshire’s general taxes. During Fiscal Year 2018, DRA collected $2.3 billion in taxes, most of which went to the New Hampshire General Fund and Education Trust Fund. DRA also provides assistance to municipalities in budgeting, finance and real estate appraisal.

NHDRA administers and collects the following taxes at the state level: Business Enterprise Tax, Business Profits Tax, Communications Services Tax, Electricity Consumption Tax, Interest and Dividends Tax, Meals and Rooms Tax, Medicaid Enhancement Tax, Nursing Facility Quality Assessment, Tobacco Tax, Taxation of Railroads, Utility Property Tax, Real Estate Transfer Tax; and the following taxes at the local level: Property Tax, Excavation Tax, Timber Tax. To learn more about NHDRA, please visit

Media Contact: 
Grace Ames 
603.644.3200 x18

Press Release