For Immediate Release
Posted: November 02, 2018


Department of Revenue Administration
(603) 230-5000

NH Department of Revenue Announces New State-of-the-Art Revenue Information Management System

New technology will house and consolidate all taxpayer data; information processing and request portal will be accessible to taxpayers, practitioners, and DRA staff

Concord, NH – The New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration (NHDRA) has entered a contract with Fast Enterprises to modernize all aspects of the tax collection and payment process by establishing a new Revenue Information Management System (RIMS). RIMS will house and consolidate taxpayer data for an all-inclusive view of information and processes with direct online accessibility for taxpayers, practitioners and DRA staff.

RIMS will replace NHDRA’s current Tax Information Management System (TIMS). TIMS, which was implemented nearly 30 years ago, is outdated and therefore limited in its functionality. NHDRA received capital appropriation to fund the replacement of TIMS through general funds, and the Executive Council approved NHDRA’s contract with Fast Enterprises on October 31, 2018. This news comes on the heels of NHDRA announcing a successful first year as commissioner for the department’s first female commissioner, Lindsey Stepp.

“RIMS is a tangible example of NHDRA’s continued focus on improving customer service, communication and technology to deliver on our mission of fairly and efficiently administering New Hampshire’s tax laws,” said Commissioner Stepp. “Beyond upgrading the capabilities of our infrastructure with state-of-the-art technology, RIMS allows us to more efficiently serve and interact with our customers. We have been preparing for this complete backend launch for a number of years, and we are confident the right team is in place with Fast Enterprises.”

RIMS will be rolled out in three phased implementations by tax types over the course of approximately three years. The first phase will focus on the Meals & Rentals Tax and is expected to be implemented within 12 to 18 months. The final phase is expected to be implemented by the end of 2021. RIMS will provide taxpayers, practitioners and all NHDRA customers with access to a user portal. The portal will allow customers to complete tasks online, such as file taxes electronically, schedule automated online payments, request and review documentation, check on the status of payment, claim or request, and more.

The technology Fast Enterprises developed to create RIMS is specifically designed to support government sector tax administration agencies, and its software is utilized in more than 50-percent of U.S. states along with local and foreign government agencies. 

“It is apparent that New Hampshire understands the value in upgrading the Department’s infrastructure and their due diligence in preparing for this major initiative is impressive,” said Martin Rankin, Managing Partner, Fast Enterprises. “We’re excited to have been selected by New Hampshire, and have a team moving to New Hampshire over the next several months who will become part of NHDRA during the development and rollout.”

About the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration
The New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration (NHDRA) is responsible for fairly and efficiently administering the tax laws of the State of New Hampshire. NHDRA collects approximately 80% of New Hampshire’s general taxes. During Fiscal Year 2018, DRA collected $2.3 billion in taxes, most of which went to the New Hampshire General Fund and Education Trust Fund. DRA also provides assistance to municipalities in budgeting, finance and real estate appraisal.

NHDRA administers and collects the following taxes at the state level: Business Enterprise Tax, Business Profits Tax, Communications Services Tax, Electricity Consumption Tax, Interest and Dividends Tax, Meals and Rooms Tax, Medicaid Enhancement Tax, Nursing Facility Quality Assessment, Tobacco Tax, Taxation of Railroads, Utility Property Tax, Real Estate Transfer Tax; and the following taxes at the local level: Property Tax, Excavation Tax, Timber Tax. To learn more about NHDRA, please visit