Important Updates
Rev 2500 Electronic Transfers & Filing
Notice of Rulemaking Proceedings (Revised)
Readoption of Rev 2500 Rules – Electronic Transfers and Filing (Revised)
The Department of Revenue Administration is proposing to readopt, readopt with amendment, or repeal all of the rules in Chapter Rev 2500 relative to Electronic Transfer and Filing, as most of the rules are scheduled to expire on December 5, 2023 but are subject to extension pursuant to RSA 541-A. There are editorial and substantive, clarifying amendments throughout, including renumbering some rules, to comply with the provisions of RSA 541-A. Details of the proposed changes are in the Rulemaking Notice Form and Initial Proposal – Text links below.
Initial Proposal - Text (revised)
Rulemaking Notice Form (revised)
The Initial Proposal was filed with the Office of Legislative Services, Division of Administrative Rules on May 26, 2023. Please take notice that the Department will hold a public hearing on Friday, June 30, 2023 at 2pm at 109 Pleasant Street, 2nd Floor, Training Room, Concord, NH on this rule readoption. The security procedures at the Department of Revenue Administration require all visitors to sign in and present photo identification. If you plan on attending the public hearing, please bring photo identification with you.