Registering a New Business

All businesses operating in the State of New Hampshire are required to register with the Secretary of State's Office. Depending on your business structure, you may have additional filing requirements.

For more information on Registration with the Secretary of State's Office or to verify the accuracy of any information on this page, it is recommended that any interested entity or individual inquire directly to the Secretary of State's Office to ascertain current fees and information pertinent to their situation: 

     NH Secretary of State Corporate Division 
     25 Capital Street, 3rd Floor 
     Concord, NH 03301-6312 
     (603) 271-3246 

You may also visit NH QuickStart at, which is an online platform for business registration with the Corporation Division of the Secretary of State's Office. 

Application for Registration of Trade Name:

Anyone doing business under any name except his or her own is required to register that trade name with the Secretary of State's Office.


The New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration is in charge of the collection of state taxes. Depending on the type of business you are operating, you may need to apply for a tax operator's license.  More information about tax licensing and permits can be found on the Departments Tax, Licenses & Permits page.

Additional information for registering a business can be found by visiting the below web pages.